Static Class in Zigurous.CharacterController.Utils
public static class Extensions
Utility extension methods.
Extension Methods
Has | Checks if the flags contain a specified flag. |
HasAny | Checks if the flags contain any of the other specified flags. |
Contains | Checks if the given layer is included in the mask. |
SetHeight | Sets the character's height to the desired height. |
GetBounds | Calculates the world space bounding volume of the character. |
GroundCheck | Performs a raycast to see if the character is grounded. |
BoxCast | Performs a box cast from the character's position. |
SphereCast | Performs a sphere cast from the character's position. |
StickDeadzone | Clamps the input magnitude below min to zero and above max to one. |
SetLayerRecursively | Sets the layer of the game object and all of its children to the specified layer. |