
Inherits from Zigurous.CharacterController.MovementAbility<T>


public sealed class Jetpack : MovementAbility<JetpackSettings>


A movement ability that allows a character to fly around.


movementFlagsThe movement flag(s) associated with the ability. The flag(s) will be set when the ability is turned on and unset when the ability is turned off.
thrustThe current thrust vector of the jetpack.
fuelRemainingThe current amount of fuel remaining.


OnAbilityActivatedA callback invoked when the ability is activated.
OnAbilityDeactivatedA callback invoked when the ability is deactivated.
CanAbilityBeActivatedDetermines if the ability can be activated given the current state of the character.
CanAbilityStayActiveDetermines if the ability can stay active given the current state of the character.