


  • Crouch

    A movement ability that reduces the character's height and movement speed while active.

  • CrouchSettings

    Settings for crouching.

  • Dash

    A movement ability to perform a quick dash in one direction.

  • DashSettings

    Settings for dashing.

  • Dodge

    A movement ability to perform a quick dodge roll. This ability is often associated with invincibility frames.

  • DodgeSettings

    Settings for dodging.

  • Jetpack

    A movement ability that allows a character to fly around.

  • JetpackSettings

    Settings for jetpacking.

  • Jump

    A movement ability that allows the character to gain height by jumping.

  • JumpSettings

    Settings for jumping.

  • NoClip

    Allows the character to move around without obstruction due to collisions being disabled.

  • NoClipSettings

    Settings for no clip.

  • Sprint

    A movement ability that increases the character's speed while active.

  • SprintSettings

    Settings for sprinting.

  • Walk

    A movement ability that decreases the character's speed while active.

  • WalkSettings

    Settings for walking.