
Inherits from Zigurous.CharacterController.MovementAbility<T>


public sealed class Jump : MovementAbility<JumpSettings>


A movement ability that allows the character to gain height by jumping.


movementFlagsThe movement flag(s) associated with the ability. The flag(s) will be set when the ability is turned on and unset when the ability is turned off.
nextTimeAvailableThe time after which a consecutive jump can be performed (Read only).
coyoteTimeExpirationThe time after which the "Coyote Time" expires (Read only).
jumpsAvailableThe number of jumps the character has available. This value will reset when the character is grounded and the jump cooldown is finished (Read only).
availableWhether a jump is available to be performed at the current time (Read only).


OnAbilityActivatedA callback invoked when the ability is activated.
OnAbilityDeactivatedA callback invoked when the ability is deactivated.
CanAbilityBeActivatedDetermines if the ability can be activated given the current state of the character.
CanAbilityBeDeactivatedDetermines if the ability can be deactivated given the current state of the character.
CanTransitionToSelfDetermines if the ability can be activated if it is already active.
OnCooldownFinishedA callback invoked when the ability cooldown is finished.