Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro
public static class Conversion
Functions for converting color component values.
Static Methods
CMYKToRGB | Converts CMYK components to an RGB color. |
HSIToRGB | Converts HSI components to an RGB color. |
HSLToHSB | Converts HSL components to HSB components. |
HSLToHSV | Converts HSL components to HSV components. |
HSLToRGB | Converts HSL components to an RGB color. |
HSVToHSL | Converts HSV components to HSL components. |
HSVToRGB | Converts HSV components to an RGB color. |
HunterLabToXYZ | Converts Hunter Lab components to CIE XYZ components. |
LabToLCh | Converts CIE LAB components to CIE LCh(ab) components. |
LabToXYZ | Converts CIE LAB components to CIE XYZ components. |
LChToLab | Converts CIE LCh(ab) components to CIE LAB components. |
LChToLuv | Converts CIE LCh(uv) components to CIE LUV components. |
LMSToRGB | Converts LMS components to an RGB color. |
LuvToLCh | Converts CIE LUV components to CIE LCh(uv) components. |
LuvToXYZ | Converts CIE LUV components to CIE XYZ components. |
RGBToCMYK | Converts RGB components to CMYK components. |
RGBToHSB | Converts RGB components to HSB components. |
RGBToHSI | Converts RGB components to HSI components. |
RGBToHSL | Converts RGB components to HSL components. |
RGBToHSV | Converts RGB components to HSV components. |
RGBToLMS | Converts RGB components to LMS components. |
RGBToHunterLab | Converts RGB components to Hunter Lab components. |
RGBToLab | Converts RGB components to CIE LAB components. |
RGBToLuv | Converts RGB components to CIE LUV components. |
RGBToLCh_ab | Converts RGB components to CIE LCh(ab) components. |
RGBToLCh_uv | Converts RGB components to CIE LCh(uv) components. |
RGBToUCS | Converts RGB components to CIE UCS components. |
RGBToUVW | Converts RGB components to CIE UVW components. |
RGBToxyY | Converts RGB components to CIE xyY components. |
RGBToXYZ | Converts RGB components to CIE XYZ components. |
RGBToYCbCr | Converts RGB components to Y′CbCr components. |
RGBToYPbPr | Converts RGB components to Y′PbPr components. |
RGBToYIQ | Converts RGB components to Y′IQ components. |
RGBToYUV | Converts RGB components to Y′UV components. |
UCSToxyY | Converts CIE UCS components to CIE xyY components. |
UVWToUCS | Converts CIE UVW components to CIE UCS components. |
uvToCCT | Converts uv chromaticity coordinates to CCT temperature in Kelvin. |
xyToCCT | Converts xy chromaticity coordinates to CCT temperature in Kelvin. |
xyYToXYZ | Converts CIE xyY components to CIE XYZ components. |
XYZToHunterLab | Converts CIE XYZ components to Hunter Lab components. |
XYZToLab | Converts CIE XYZ components to CIE LAB components. |
XYZToLuv | Converts CIE XYZ components to CIE LUV components. |
XYZToRGB | Converts CIE XYZ components to an RGB color. |
XYZToUCS | Converts CIE XYZ components to CIE UCS components. |
XYZToUVW | Converts CIE XYZ components to CIE UVW components. |
XYZToxyY | Converts CIE XYZ components to CIE xyY components. |
YCbCrToRGB | Converts Y′CbCr components to an RGB color. |
YCbCrToYPbPr | Converts Y′CbCr components to Y′PbPr components. |
YPbPrToRGB | Converts Y′PbPr components to an RGB color. |
YPbPrToYCbCr | Converts Y′PbPr components to Y′CbCr components. |
YIQToRGB | Converts Y′IQ components to an RGB color. |
YIQToYUV | Converts Y′IQ components to Y′UV components. |
YUVToRGB | Converts Y′UV components to an RGB color. |
YUVToYIQ | Converts Y′UV components to Y′IQ components. |