
Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro


public static class Conversion


Functions for converting color component values.

Static Methods

CMYKToRGBConverts CMYK components to an RGB color.
HSIToRGBConverts HSI components to an RGB color.
HSLToHSBConverts HSL components to HSB components.
HSLToHSVConverts HSL components to HSV components.
HSLToRGBConverts HSL components to an RGB color.
HSVToHSLConverts HSV components to HSL components.
HSVToRGBConverts HSV components to an RGB color.
HunterLabToXYZConverts Hunter Lab components to CIE XYZ components.
LabToLChConverts CIE LAB components to CIE LCh(ab) components.
LabToXYZConverts CIE LAB components to CIE XYZ components.
LChToLabConverts CIE LCh(ab) components to CIE LAB components.
LChToLuvConverts CIE LCh(uv) components to CIE LUV components.
LMSToRGBConverts LMS components to an RGB color.
LuvToLChConverts CIE LUV components to CIE LCh(uv) components.
LuvToXYZConverts CIE LUV components to CIE XYZ components.
RGBToCMYKConverts RGB components to CMYK components.
RGBToHSBConverts RGB components to HSB components.
RGBToHSIConverts RGB components to HSI components.
RGBToHSLConverts RGB components to HSL components.
RGBToHSVConverts RGB components to HSV components.
RGBToLMSConverts RGB components to LMS components.
RGBToHunterLabConverts RGB components to Hunter Lab components.
RGBToLabConverts RGB components to CIE LAB components.
RGBToLuvConverts RGB components to CIE LUV components.
RGBToLCh_abConverts RGB components to CIE LCh(ab) components.
RGBToLCh_uvConverts RGB components to CIE LCh(uv) components.
RGBToUCSConverts RGB components to CIE UCS components.
RGBToUVWConverts RGB components to CIE UVW components.
RGBToxyYConverts RGB components to CIE xyY components.
RGBToXYZConverts RGB components to CIE XYZ components.
RGBToYCbCrConverts RGB components to Y′CbCr components.
RGBToYPbPrConverts RGB components to Y′PbPr components.
RGBToYIQConverts RGB components to Y′IQ components.
RGBToYUVConverts RGB components to Y′UV components.
UCSToxyYConverts CIE UCS components to CIE xyY components.
UVWToUCSConverts CIE UVW components to CIE UCS components.
uvToCCTConverts uv chromaticity coordinates to CCT temperature in Kelvin.
xyToCCTConverts xy chromaticity coordinates to CCT temperature in Kelvin.
xyYToXYZConverts CIE xyY components to CIE XYZ components.
XYZToHunterLabConverts CIE XYZ components to Hunter Lab components.
XYZToLabConverts CIE XYZ components to CIE LAB components.
XYZToLuvConverts CIE XYZ components to CIE LUV components.
XYZToRGBConverts CIE XYZ components to an RGB color.
XYZToUCSConverts CIE XYZ components to CIE UCS components.
XYZToUVWConverts CIE XYZ components to CIE UVW components.
XYZToxyYConverts CIE XYZ components to CIE xyY components.
YCbCrToRGBConverts Y′CbCr components to an RGB color.
YCbCrToYPbPrConverts Y′CbCr components to Y′PbPr components.
YPbPrToRGBConverts Y′PbPr components to an RGB color.
YPbPrToYCbCrConverts Y′PbPr components to Y′CbCr components.
YIQToRGBConverts Y′IQ components to an RGB color.
YIQToYUVConverts Y′IQ components to Y′UV components.
YUVToRGBConverts Y′UV components to an RGB color.
YUVToYIQConverts Y′UV components to Y′IQ components.