

public enum ColorVision


A type of color vision.


NormalNormal color vision.
ProtanopiaProtanopia is a blindness to red, a state in which the red cones are absent.
ProtanomalyProtanomaly is a reduced sensitivity to red, a result of functionally limited red cones.
DeuteranopiaDeuteranopia is a blindness to green, a state in which the green cones are absent.
DeuteranomalyDeuteranomaly is a reduced sensitivity to green, a result of functionally limited green cones.
TritanopiaTritanopia is a blindness to blue, a state in which the blue cones are absent.
TritanomalyTritanomaly is a reduced sensitivity to blue, a result of functionally limited blue cones.
AchromatopsiaAchromatopsia is a condition characterized by a total absense of color vision.
AchromatomalyAchromatomaly is a condition characterized by a partial absense of color vision.