Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro.Utils
public static class Processors
Functions for processing component values.
Extension Methods
From100 | Converts a component value in the range [0..100] to a float in the range [0..1]. |
From255 | Converts a component value in the range [0..255] to a float in the range [0..1]. |
From360 | Converts a component value in the range [0..360] to a float in the range [0..1]. |
To100 | Converts a component value in the range [0..1] to an integer in the range [0..100]. |
To255 | Converts a component value in the range [0..1] to an integer in the range [0..255]. |
To360 | Converts a component value in the range [0..1] to an integer in the range [0..360]. |
Wrap | Wraps the input to the range [min..max]. If the value exceeds the max it wraps around to the min, and if the value is less than the min it wraps back to max. |
Wrap01 | Wraps the input to the range [0..1]. If the value exceeds 1 it wraps around to 0, and if the value is less than 0 it wraps back to 1. |