Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro
public static class ChannelMixer
Multiplies the RGB channels of a color by a matrix.
Static Properties
identityMatrix | The 3x3 identity matrix. |
protanopiaMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate protanopia color blindness. |
protanomalyMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate protanomaly color blindness. |
deuteranopiaMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate deuteranopia color blindness. |
deuteranomalyMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate deuteranomaly color blindness. |
tritanopiaMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate tritanopia color blindness. |
tritanomalyMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate tritanomaly color blindness. |
achromatopsiaMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate achromatopsia color blindness. |
achromatomalyMatrix | The channel matrix to simulate achromatomaly color blindness. |
Extension Methods
ChannelMix | Applies a 3x3 matrix to the RGB channels of the color. Values are clamped to the range [0..1]. |