
Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro


public static class Blending


Functions for blending colors together using various blend modes.

Extension Methods

BlendBlends two colors together using the specified blend mode.

Static Methods

BlendBlends two colors together using the given blend function.
AddBlends two colors together using the 'Add' blend mode.
AverageBlends two colors together using the 'Average' blend mode.
ColorBurnBlends two colors together using the 'Color Burn' blend mode.
ColorDodgeBlends two colors together using the 'Color Dodge' blend mode.
DarkenBlends two colors together using the 'Darken' blend mode.
DifferenceBlends two colors together using the 'Difference' blend mode.
ExclusionBlends two colors together using the 'Exclusion' blend mode.
GlowBlends two colors together using the 'Glow' blend mode.
HardLightBlends two colors together using the 'Hard Light' blend mode.
HardMixBlends two colors together using the 'Hard Mix' blend mode.
LightenBlends two colors together using the 'Lighten' blend mode.
LinearBurnBlends two colors together using the 'Linear Burn' blend mode.
LinearDodgeBlends two colors together using the 'Linear Dodge' blend mode.
LinearLightBlends two colors together using the 'Linear Light' blend mode.
MultiplyBlends two colors together using the 'Multiply' blend mode.
NegationBlends two colors together using the 'Negation' blend mode.
OverlayBlends two colors together using the 'Overlay' blend mode.
PhoenixBlends two colors together using the 'Phoenix' blend mode.
PinLightBlends two colors together using the 'Pin Light' blend mode.
ReflectBlends two colors together using the 'Reflect' blend mode.
ScreenBlends two colors together using the 'Screen' blend mode.
SoftLightBlends two colors together using the 'Soft Light' blend mode.
SubtractBlends two colors together using the 'Subtract' blend mode.
VividLightBlends two colors together using the 'Vivid Light' blend mode.