Static Class in Zigurous.ColorPro
public static class Blending
Functions for blending colors together using various blend modes.
Extension Methods
Blend | Blends two colors together using the specified blend mode. |
Static Methods
Blend | Blends two colors together using the given blend function. |
Add | Blends two colors together using the 'Add' blend mode. |
Average | Blends two colors together using the 'Average' blend mode. |
ColorBurn | Blends two colors together using the 'Color Burn' blend mode. |
ColorDodge | Blends two colors together using the 'Color Dodge' blend mode. |
Darken | Blends two colors together using the 'Darken' blend mode. |
Difference | Blends two colors together using the 'Difference' blend mode. |
Exclusion | Blends two colors together using the 'Exclusion' blend mode. |
Glow | Blends two colors together using the 'Glow' blend mode. |
HardLight | Blends two colors together using the 'Hard Light' blend mode. |
HardMix | Blends two colors together using the 'Hard Mix' blend mode. |
Lighten | Blends two colors together using the 'Lighten' blend mode. |
LinearBurn | Blends two colors together using the 'Linear Burn' blend mode. |
LinearDodge | Blends two colors together using the 'Linear Dodge' blend mode. |
LinearLight | Blends two colors together using the 'Linear Light' blend mode. |
Multiply | Blends two colors together using the 'Multiply' blend mode. |
Negation | Blends two colors together using the 'Negation' blend mode. |
Overlay | Blends two colors together using the 'Overlay' blend mode. |
Phoenix | Blends two colors together using the 'Phoenix' blend mode. |
PinLight | Blends two colors together using the 'Pin Light' blend mode. |
Reflect | Blends two colors together using the 'Reflect' blend mode. |
Screen | Blends two colors together using the 'Screen' blend mode. |
SoftLight | Blends two colors together using the 'Soft Light' blend mode. |
Subtract | Blends two colors together using the 'Subtract' blend mode. |
VividLight | Blends two colors together using the 'Vivid Light' blend mode. |