Copy | Returns a copy of the components. |
Set | Converts a color to the components and sets them as the new values. |
Mix | Returns the result of mixing the color with another color using a weight between [0..1]. A weight of 0 results in the first color, and a weight of 1 results in the second color. |
Equals | Determines if the components are equal to another. |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code of the components. |
ToString | Converts the components to a string. |
ToColor | Converts the components to a color. |
ToHunterLab | Converts the components to HunterLab components. |
ToLab | Converts the components to CIELAB components. |
ToLuv | Converts the components to CIELUV components. |
ToUCS | Converts the components to CIEUCS components. |
ToUVW | Converts the components to CIEUVW components. |
ToxyY | Converts the components to CIExyY components. |