The Color Pro package supports converting colors to and from 20+ color models. Every supported type has its own data structure (except Hex). The Conversion class declares functions to convert between different types, but in most cases this class does not need to be used directly. Extension methods exist on colors to convert between types, see below.
Generic Conversion
Colors can be converted using generic type constraints. Any of the color models specified on this page can be used. For example:
RGB rgb = color.To<RGB>();
HSV hsv = color.To<HSV>();
CMYK cmyk = color.To<CMYK>();
Additionally, any color model can be converted to any other color model.
RGB rgb = color.To<RGB>();
HSV hsv = rgb.To<HSV>();
CMYK cmyk = hsv.To<CMYK>();
Some color models have direct conversions to other color models. When possible, it is better to use the direct conversion methods rather than the generic ones.
RGB rgb = color.ToRGB();
HSV hsv = rgb.ToHSV();
HSL hsl = hsv.ToHSL();
CIEXYZ xyz = rgb.ToXYZ();
CIELAB lab = xyz.ToLAB();
See the Scripting API for more detailed usage. All available color models are listed below.
The ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) components of a color in the range [0..1].
ARGB argb = color.ToARGB();
Color color = argb.ToColor();
The ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) components of a color in the range [0..255].
ARGB255 argb = color.ToARGB255();
Color color = argb.ToColor();
The CIE LAB components of a color - lightness (L) and chromaticity (a,b).
CIELAB lab = color.ToLab();
Color color = lab.ToColor();
The CIE LUV components of a color - lightness (L) and chromaticity (u,v).
CIELUV luv = color.ToLuv();
Color color = luv.ToColor();
CIE LCh(ab)
The CIE LCh(ab) components of a color - lightness (L), chroma (C), and hue (h).
CIELCh_ab lch = color.ToLCh_ab();
Color color = lch.ToColor();
CIE LCh(uv)
The CIE LCh(uv) components of a color - lightness (L), chroma (C), and hue (h).
CIELCh_uv lch = color.ToLCh_uv();
Color color = lch.ToColor();
The CIE UCS components of a color - (u,v) chromaticity coordinates.
CIEUCS ucs = color.ToUCS();
Color color = ucs.ToColor();
The CIE UVW components of a color - chromaticity (U,V) and lightness (W).
CIEUVW uvw = color.ToUVW();
Color color = uvw.ToColor();
The CIE xyY components of a color - chromaticity (x,y) and luminance (Y).
CIExyY xyY = color.ToxyY();
Color color = xyY.ToColor();
The CIE XYZ components of a color - chromaticity (X,Z) and luminance (Y).
CIEXYZ xyz = color.ToXYZ();
Color color = xyz.ToColor();
The CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) components of a color in the range [0..1].
CMYK cmyk = color.ToCMYK();
Color color = cmyk.ToColor();
Hexadecimal colors are represented as strings "#ff0000" or integers 0xff0000. Colors can be converted using RGB, RGBA, and ARGB formats which determine the order of the bits.
int hex = color.ToHex();
int hex_rgba = color.ToHexRGBA();
int hex_argb = color.ToHexARGB();
string hex = color.ToHexString();
string hex_rgba = color.ToHexStringRGBA();
string hex_argb = color.ToHexStringARGB();
Color color = Hex.ToColor(hex);
Color color = Hex.ToRGBAColor(hex_rgba);
Color color = Hex.ToARGBColor(hex_argb);
The HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) components of a color in the range [0..1].
HSB components = color.ToHSB();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) components of a color in the range [0..1].
HSI components = color.ToHSI();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) components of a color in the range [0..1].
HSL components = color.ToHSL();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The HSV (hue, saturation, value) components of a color in the range [0..1].
HSV components = color.ToHSV();
Color color = components.ToColor();
Hunter Lab
The Hunter Lab components of a color - lightness (L) and chromaticity (a,b).
HunterLab components = color.ToHunterLab();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The LMS (long, medium, short) components of a color.
LMS components = color.ToLMS();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The RGB (red, green, blue) components of a color in the range [0..1].
RGB components = color.ToRGB();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The RGB (red, green, blue) components of a color in the range [0..255].
RGB255 components = color.ToRGB255();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) components of a color in the range [0..1].
RGBA components = color.ToRGBA();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) components of a color in the range [0..255].
RGBA255 components = color.ToRGBA255();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The Y′CbCr components of a color - luma (Y′) and chroma (Cb,Cr).
YCbCr components = color.ToYCbCr();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The Y′PbPr components of a color - luma (Y′) and chroma (Pb,Pr).
YPbPr components = color.ToYPbPr();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The Y′IQ components of a color - luma (Y′) and chroma (I,Q).
YIQ components = color.ToYIQ();
Color color = components.ToColor();
The Y′UV components of a color - luma (Y′) and chroma (U,V).
YUV components = color.ToYUV();
Color color = components.ToColor();