
The Color Pro package defines 20 common illuminants in the Illuminant enum. Illuminants provide a basis for comparing images or colors recorded under different lighting.

  • A: Incandescent/Tungsten
  • B: Old Direct Sunlight at Noon
  • C: Old Daylight
  • D50: ICC Profile PCS
  • D55: Mid-morning Daylight
  • D65: Daylight, sRGB, Adobe-RGB
  • D75: North Sky Daylight
  • E: Equal Energy
  • F1: Daylight Fluorescent
  • F2: Cool Fluorescent
  • F3: White Fluorescent
  • F4: Warm White Fluorescent
  • F5: Daylight Fluorescent
  • F6: Lite White Fluorescent
  • F7: Daylight Fluorescent, D65 Simulator
  • F8: Sylvania F40, D50 Simulator
  • F9: Cool White Fluorescent
  • F10: Ultralume 50, Philips TL85
  • F11: Ultralume 40, Philips TL84
  • F12: Ultralume 30, Philips TL83

👁️ Standard Observers

A CIE color-mapping function called the standard observer which represents an average human's chromatic response while observing an object under the illuminant. Two standard observers are defined in the StandardObserver enum.

  • Two: CIE 1931 2° Standard Observer
  • Ten: CIE 1964 10° Standard Observer

💡 White Points

A white point (often referred to as reference white or target white in technical documents) is a set of tristimulus values or chromaticity coordinates that serve to define the color "white" in image capture, encoding, or reproduction. White points are usually scaled by 100 and are represented as Tristimulus values.

Illuminant illuminant = Illuminant.D65;
StandardObserver observer = StandardObserver.Two;
Tristimulus whitePoint = illuminant.GetWhitePoint(observer, 100f);

🧮 Color Models

Many of the color models supported in the Color Pro package can be created or converted using a given illuminant and standard observer. See the Conversion manual for more information. The following types can be created using illuminants and standard observers: