Color Blindness
For accessibility purposes it is useful to simulate color blindness when picking colors to ensure your palettes are favorable for as many people as possible. The Color Pro package includes functions to return a simulated color blindness for a given color. These extension methods are declared in the static class Color Blindess.
The Color Pro package also includes a post-processing filter for each supported color blindness type. These can be useful for testing color blindness while playing your game to ensure it is accessible for colorblind people.
Protanopia is a blindness to red, a state in which the red cones are absent.
Color protanopia = color.Protanopia();
Color[] protanopia = colors.Protanopia();
Protanomaly is a reduced sensitivity to red, a result of functionally limited red cones.
Color protanomaly = color.Protanomaly();
Color[] protanomaly = colors.Protanomaly();
Deuteranopia is a blindness to green, a state in which the green cones are absent.
Color deuteranopia = color.Deuteranopia();
Color[] deuteranopia = colors.Deuteranopia();
Deuteranomaly is a reduced sensitivity to green, a result of functionally limited green cones.
Color deuteranomaly = color.Deuteranomaly();
Color[] deuteranomaly = colors.Deuteranomaly();
Tritanopia is a blindness to blue, a state in which the blue cones are absent.
Color tritanopia = color.Tritanopia();
Color[] tritanopia = colors.Tritanopia();
Tritanomaly is a reduced sensitivity to blue, a result of functionally limited blue cones.
Color tritanomaly = color.Tritanomaly();
Color[] tritanomaly = colors.Tritanomaly();
Achromatopsia is a condition characterized by a total absense of color vision.
Color achromatopsia = color.Achromatopsia();
Color[] achromatopsia = colors.Achromatopsia();
Achromatomaly is a condition characterized by a partial absense of color vision.
Color achromatomaly = color.Achromatomaly();
Color[] achromatomaly = colors.Achromatomaly();