
Static Class in Zigurous.Tweening


public static class PropertyChaining


Provides method chaining for tweens. This allows multiple properties to be assigned in a single statement without requiring a variable to store the intermediate results.

Extension Methods

SetTarget<T, U>Sets the target object of the tween.
SetGetter<T, U>Sets the getter function of the tween.
SetSetter<T, U>Sets the setter function of the tween.
SetEndValue<T, U>Sets the end value of the tween.
SetReference<T>Sets the id and scene index of the tween to the reference component so the tween can be retrieved and destroyed based on that component.
SetId<T>Sets the id of the tween to the given value.
SetSceneIndex<T>Sets the scene index of the tween to the given value.
SetEase<T>Sets the ease of the tween to the given value.
SetDuration<T>Sets the duration of the tween to the given value.
SetDelay<T>Sets the delay of the tween to the given value.
SetLoops<T>Sets the number of loops of the tween to the given value.
SetReversed<T>Sets the tween to play in reverse.
SetSnapping<T>Sets the tween to snap interpolated values to whole numbers.
SetRecyclable<T>Sets the tween to be recycled after being completed.
SetAutoStart<T>Sets the tween to auto start after being initialized.
SetAutoKill<T>Sets the tween to auto kill after being completed.
SetEventHandler<T>Sets the event handler on the tween.
OnUpdate<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is updated.
OnStart<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is started.
OnStop<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is stopped.
OnLoop<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is looped.
OnComplete<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is completed.
OnKill<T>Sets the callback to invoke when the tween is killed.