


  • EaseEqualityComparer

    Compares the equality of two Ease types.

  • EaseExtensions

    Extension methods for Ease.

  • EaseFunction

    Timing functions for every ease type. Easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

  • Interpolation

    Functions for interpolating values.

  • PropertyChaining

    Provides method chaining for tweens. This allows multiple properties to be assigned in a single statement without requiring a variable to store the intermediate results.

  • Sequence

    Plays a sequence of tweens in order. The sequence itself maintains its own state and can be controlled the same as any other tween.

  • Settings

    Properties for changing global tweening settings.

  • Tween

    The base class of every tween.

  • Tweener<T, U>

    A tween that animates a parameter over time on an object from a start value to an end value.

  • Tweening

    The primary interface to create, control, and manage tweens.



  • Ease

    An easing function type. Easing functions specify the rate of change of a parameter over time.

  • LoopType

    A type of loop style.

  • TweenState

    A type of animation state that a tween can be in.


  • EaseFunction.TimingCurve

    A function delegate that returns the value along a timing curve given the x-axis value, i.e., f(x).

  • Interpolater<T>

    A function delegate that interpolates the value between a and b by t.

  • TweenCallback

    A function delegate invoked during tween lifecycle events.

  • TweenGetter<T, U>

    A function delegate that gets the current value of a parameter from an object.

  • TweenReferenceCallback

    A function delegate invoked during tween lifecycle events with a provided reference to the tween that invoked the event.

  • TweenSetter<T, U>

    A function delegate that sets a new value of a parameter on an object.