FOV Kick

The FOV Kick effect animates a subtle change in the field of view of the camera. For example, increasing the field of view when the player sprints creates a better feel for the faster motion.

💨 Settings

Multiple FOV "Kick" profiles can be created for different purposes. The following settings are available to customize on each profile:

  • Amount: The amount of change in degrees to the camera's field of view.

  • Kick In: The transition settings when the FOV "kick" is enabled.

    • Duration: The amount of seconds it takes to change the field of view.
    • Easing: The animation curve used when changing the field of view.
  • Kick Out: The transition settings when the FOV "kick" is disabled.

    • Duration: The amount of seconds it takes to change the field of view.
    • Easing: The animation curve used when changing the field of view.

🖱️ Usage

Assuming you have a reference to the Camera Controller, you can get a reference to the FOV "Kick" module then activate it manually:

FOVKick fovKick = cameraController.GetModule<FOVKick>();

// kick in
fovKick.Activate(); // default/current profile
fovKick.Activate("Sprint"); // custom profile

// kick out
fovKick.Deactivate(); // default/current profile
fovKick.Deactivate("Sprint"); // custom profile

🧰 Scripting API