Class in Zigurous.CameraSystem
public sealed class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
Controls and handles the behaviors of a camera.
camera | The camera that is being controlled. |
cameraPosition | The current position of the camera (Read only). |
cameraRotation | The current rotation of the camera (Read only). |
cameraEulerAngles | The current euler angles of the camera (Read only). |
cameraForward | The current forward axis of the camera (Read only). |
profile | The instanced camera settings profile used by the controller. |
sharedProfile | The shared camera settings profile used by the controller. |
trackingTarget | The transform the camera is tracking. |
context | The current camera context / state. |
modules | The camera module manager for the controller. |
input | The camera input manager for the controller. |
ui | The UI canvas for the controller. |
freeze | Freezes the position and rotation of the camera. |
SetProfile | Applies the camera settings profile to the controller. |
SetTrackingTarget | Sets the camera tracking target. |
GetModule<T> | Returns the camera module of the specified type. |