Class in Zigurous.CameraSystem
Inherits from CameraBehavior<T>
public sealed class Targeting : CameraBehavior<TargetingSettings>
Allows the camera to track targetable objects.
target | The transform the camera is currently targeting (Read only). |
targetPosition | The position of the transform the camera is currently targeting (Read only). |
locating | The locating module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
lookAt | The look at module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
lineOfSight | The line of sight module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
switching | The switching module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
recentering | The recentering module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
userInterface | The UI module of the camera targeting behavior (Read only). |
Target | Targets the given transform. |
Untarget | Untargets the current target. |
TryTargeting | Attempts to target the given transform if it is within the target radius and line of sight. |
settings | The settings for the behavior. |
enabled | Enables or disables the behavior from being updated. |
controller | The camera controller handling the module. |
registered | Whether the module has been registered to a controller. |
id | The unique identifier of the camera module. |