Struct in Zigurous.DataStructures
Implements INumberRange<T>, IRange<T>
public struct UIntRange : INumberRange<uint>, IRange<uint>
A range of uint values.
Static Properties
zero | Shorthand for writing UIntRange(0, 0) . |
one | Shorthand for writing UIntRange(1, 1) . |
minMax | Shorthand for writing UIntRange(uint.MinValue, uint.MaxValue) . |
min | The lower bound of the range. |
max | The upper bound of the range. |
delta | The difference between the maximum and minimum values (Read only). |
median | The median value of the range (Read only). |
UIntRange | Creates a new range with the specified values. |
Random | Returns a random value in the range [inclusive, exclusive). |
RandomInclusive | Returns a random value in the range [inclusive, inclusive]. |
Includes | Checks if a value is in the range. |
Clamp | Clamps a value to the range. |
Lerp | Linearly interpolates between the range by t . |
InverseLerp | Calculates the linear parameter t that produces the interpolant value within the range. |