Class in Zigurous.DataStructures
Implements IObjectPool<T>, IDisposable
public sealed class ObjectPool<T> : IObjectPool<T> where T : class
Reuses objects from a shared pool to prevent instantiating new objects. The object pool can have a set capacity or it can grow in size. Optionally, objects that are currently active can be reused when the pool has reached capacity.
Type Parameters
T | The type of object to pool. |
pool | The list of all objects waiting to be reused (Read only). |
activeItems | The list of objects currently being used (Read only). |
activeCount | The number of objects currently being used (Read only). |
availableCount | The number of objects available to be reused (Read only). |
maxCapacity | The maximum number of objects that can be generated. |
reuseActive | Whether active objects should be reused when the object pool has reached capacity. |
generator | The function that generates a new object. |
ObjectPool | Creates a new object pool with an initial capacity. New objects are created as needed using the object type default value. |
Dispose | Disposes of all class resources. |
Retrieve | Removes and returns an object from the pool. If there are no available objects in the pool, either a new object will be generated or the oldest object will be reused depending upon how the object pool is configured. |
Recycle | Adds an object back to the pool so it can be reused. |
Empty | Empties the pool of all objects. |