

public sealed class TimerStats


The running stats for a timer.


elapsedTimeThe amount of seconds elapsed since the timer was started.
elapsedTimeSinceLastTickThe amount of seconds elapsed since the last tick interval.
elapsedTimeSinceLastCompletionThe amount of seconds elapsed since the last completion.
timeOfLastTickThe timestamp of the last tick event.
timeOfLastCompletionThe timestamp of the last completion event.
timesTickedThe number of times the timer has ticked.
timesCompletedThe number of times the timer has completed.


IncrementTickIncrements the number of times ticked and timestamps it.
IncrementCompletionIncrements the number of times completed and timestamps it.
ResetResets all timer stats.
ResetElapsedTimeResets the amount of time elapsed.
ResetCountersResets the timer counters, i.e., the number of times ticked, the number of times completed, and the timestamps of those events.