
Inherits from ConditionalAttribute


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public sealed class ConditionalShowAttribute : ConditionalAttribute


An attribute that shows a field in the editor based on the state of another field.


ConditionalShowAttributeHides the field when the conditional field is true.


propertyDrawerThe type of property drawer to use to draw the field.
conditionalFieldThe field being used to determine if the condition is met.
showWhether to show or hide the field when the condition is met.
enumValueThe enum value to use to determine if the condition is met (only applicable if the conditional field is an enum).
enumFlagsWhether the enum should be treated as a bit field (only applicable if the conditional field is an enum).
sliderMinValueThe minimum value of the slider (only applicable for Slider property drawers).
sliderMaxValueThe maximum value of the slider (only applicable for Slider property drawers).