Input Processors

The Math Utils package contains various functions for processing input values. An input processor takes a value and returns a processed result for it of the same type. See the Processors class for all available functions, or the reference below:


Returns the absolute value of the input.

Axis Deadzone

An axis deadzone scales the input such that any value with an absolute value smaller than min is 0, and any value with an absolute value larger than max is 1 or -1.


Rounds the input up to the nearest whole number.


Clamps the input to the range [min..max].


Clamps the input to the range [0..1].


Decays the input back to zero over time at a given rate.
The rate is multiplied by Time.deltaTime.


Rounds the input down to the nearest whole number.


Inverts the input by multiplying by -1.

Note: Vectors can be inverted on a per-component basis.


Normalizes the input in the range [min..max] to unsigned normalized form [0..1] if min is >= zero, and to signed normalized form [-1..1] if min < zero.

Note: Vectors are normalized by setting the unit length to 1 (the same as vector.normalized).


Rounds the input to the nearest whole number.


Multiplies the input by factor.

Note: Vectors can be scaled on a per-component basis.

Stick Deadzone

A stick deadzone scales the input such that any value with a magnitude smaller than min results in (0,0), and any value with a magnitude greater than max is normalized to unit length (1).


Wraps the input to the range [min..max]. If the value exceeds max it wraps around to min, and if the value is less than min is wraps back to max.

Note: Integers are wrapped [inclusive..exclusive) to make it easier for arrays.


Wraps the input to the range [0..1]. If the value exceeds 1 it wraps around to 0, and if the value is less than 0 it wraps back to 1.