
Static Class in Zigurous.Math


public static class TransformExtensions


Extension methods for Transform components.

Extension Methods

AveragePositionOfChildrenCalculates the average position of the transform's children.
CenterPositionOfChildrenCalculates the center position of the transform's children.
ResetResets the position, rotation, and scale of the transform.
ResetLocalResets the local position, rotation, and scale of the transform.
SetPositionXSets the position of the transform in the x-axis.
SetPositionYSets the position of the transform in the y-axis.
SetPositionZSets the position of the transform in the z-axis.
SetLocalPositionXSets the local position of the transform in the x-axis.
SetLocalPositionYSets the local position of the transform in the y-axis.
SetLocalPositionZSets the local position of the transform in the z-axis.
SetEulerAnglesXSets the euler angles of the transform in the x-axis.
SetEulerAnglesYSets the euler angles of the transform in the y-axis.
SetEulerAnglesZSets the euler angles of the transform in the z-axis.
SetLocalEulerAnglesXSets the local euler angles of the transform in the x-axis.
SetLocalEulerAnglesYSets the local euler angles of the transform in the y-axis.
SetLocalEulerAnglesZSets the local euler angles of the transform in the z-axis.
SetLocalScaleXSets the scale of the transform in the x-axis.
SetLocalScaleYSets the scale of the transform in the y-axis.
SetLocalScaleZSets the scale of the transform in the z-axis.