

public sealed class Blink : MonoBehaviour


Switches an object's material on and off at a variable rate.


rendererA reference to the main blinking object's renderer (Read only).
sharedRenderersAn array of other renderers whos material will be changed to match the blinking object.
blinkingMaterialThe material applied to the object when blinking.
notBlinkingMaterialThe material applied to the object when not blinking.
blinkChanceThe random chance that the object will blink.
blinkDurationThe amount of seconds the material stays blinking.
blinkCooldownThe amount of seconds before the material can blink a subsequent time.
updateIntervalHow frequently in seconds the script will execute as a way to optimize the code performance.
nextUpdateTimeThe time the next update will be performed (Read only).
blinkingWhether the object is currently blinking (Read only).
cooldownWhether the blinking is currently on cooldown (Read only).


BlinkOnceBlinks the material for one cycle.